Barito Regency Government Conducts Comparative Study of PT GGP Pineapple Cultivation

Barito Regency Government Conducts Comparative Study of PT GGP Pineapple Cultivation

Head of the Environmental Service, Agus In’yulius, representing the Acting Regent of South Barito (Barsel), Deddy Winarwan, together with leading sectors from the South Barito Regency Government paid a working visit to PT Great Giant Pineapple (PT GGP) Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung, on Thursday ( 12/10).

Visiting guests were warmly received by Corporate Affairs Lampung Subdiv Head, Hendri Tanujaya, and Processed Pine Factory Division Head, Halim Sunarto Jaya, in the Dining Room Training Center of Great Giant Foods (GGF). Deddy Winarwan, through a written message delivered by Agus In’yulius, stated that the working visit to PT GGP was a form of synergy between the government and the community. The visit was carried out not only to absorb the aspirations of the community, but also to study and discuss management concepts for pineapple cultivation and the efforts that have been made, including several innovations in developing regional potential, especially in processing products made from pineapples and other fruits.

Agus expressed his gratitude for the welcome given by the management of PT GGP who were willing to accept the visit of the South Barsel Regency Government and their entourage. The party also plans to visit several MSMEs that process pineapple-based products as part of the Kaji Tiru program in developing the insight of Barsel MSMEs by seeing directly from the process to the results and marketing.

Hendri Tanujaya emphasized that after holding discussions with the South Barito Regency Government, actually doing this is actually easy and difficult. According to him, the most important thing is to first see what potential is there so that the product produced is not wasted. “For investment and other things, the company of course also has internal planning. There are many things that must be seen, such as the region, culture and local wisdom, so that everything can work. “If only one is carried out, the results may not be as expected,” said Hendri Tanujaya.
