Employee Wellness Program Presents Special Class Pound Fit

Employee Wellness Program Presents Special Class Pound Fit

The Special Class Employee Wellness Program will be held on October 31, 2022 at the Multipurpose Building, Terbanggi Besar, Lampung. In this special class event, the routine EWP exercise class which is usually held 4x a week presents a new class, namely Pound Fit. This class was attended by 84 participants who were not just any participants, but GGF colleagues who had attended at least 20 weekly classes as evidenced by collecting stamps when attending each class.

The event starts at 16.30 to 18.00 like a weekly class in general with participants wearing the latest green-and-white EWP jersey which is obtained as a reward after attending a minimum of 20 classes.

The types of classes held are quite diverse and can be attended by all GGF employees, both women and men, such as Fun Cardio, Metabolic Conditioning, Zumba, and Body Combat.

It’s very, very good, it’s fun even though I’m new to this type of exercise, but I like it if it can be held continuously because I’m looking for health and slimness, that’s a bonus for me,” said Heni Setiorini, Adm Asset Budget & Cost Control, one of the most diligent weekly class participants to participate.

Sports activities such as pound fit would not have been possible without a committee that is persistent and concerned about the health of GGF colleagues. “EWP is a challenge on how do we create a program that can direct employees to start a healthy lifestyle by exercising and maintaining a healthy diet so that it can become a habit in everyday life,” said Santi Pratiwi from the Medical Center team and one of the committee EWP Lampung.

Santi continued to say that she was happy to be able to help employees maintain their health by doing routine in-class exercise and also nutritional counseling every month during health checks so that employees know what foods to pay attention to to reduce weight, cholesterol, uric acid, sugar.
