GGF Gives Basic Food to Locals

GGF Gives Basic Food to Locals

Great Giant Foods (GGF), Terbanggi Besar, provided basic food assistance in the form of rice to the community around the company’s operational area. The assistance provided is a form of the company’s concern for the surrounding community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The assistance of 100 bags of rice in 10 kg packages was given in Tanjung Ratu Ilir Village, Way Pengubuhan District, Central Lampung Regency. The assistance was received directly by the Head of Tanjung Ratu Ilir Village, Samsuri on Friday, March 11, 2022.

Social care as a form of CSR assistance is expected to help and ease the burden on the community. GGF, represented by the Head of CRD Division, Erwin Anang, said that the distribution of basic food assistance is nothing but a form of the company’s concern and concern for the community around the company’s operational areas.

“We hand over the food aid directly to the community through the village head,” said Erwin.

In the future, he hopes that GGF and the community can support each other side by side so that business activities and community activities can both run well as they have been running so far, he continued.

As is known, assistance in the form of basic necessities has also previously been distributed to the community through the Beguwai Wawai Terbanggi Besar youth organization. A number of aids distributed by GGF also received appreciation from the district government for making contributions in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak.

On behalf of the Tanjung Ratu Ilir Village Government, I would like to thank the GGF management for providing basic food assistance to our residents. Of course, this assistance is very much needed by the community at a time like this, said Samsuri.
