GGF Provides Assistance for Development of Al-Bayan Islamic Boarding School

GGF Provides Assistance for Development of Al-Bayan Islamic Boarding School

Great Giant Foods (GGF), Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung, through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program provides assistance for the construction and procurement of educational infrastructure for the Al-Bayan Banjar Ratu Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes), Banjar Ratu Village, Way Pengubuhan District, Lampung Middle.

The assistance was handed over to the leadership of the Al-Bayan Banjar Ratu Islamic Boarding School, M. Ibrahim Agustian, by Putri Kusuma Wardani, Community Relations & Development, at the pesantren location, Saturday (20/8/22).

“This assistance is part of the company’s concern for education in forming a Qur’anic young generation. This Islamic boarding school is expected to be able to produce qualified Qur’an memorizers who have a high leadership spirit,” said Hendri Tanujaya as the Corporate Affairs Div. Head of GGF.

“It is a matter of pride for the company because it can contribute to the development of the Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Islamic Boarding School. Really good intentions, and this is in line with the company’s vision in supporting the improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia,” continued Hendri.

Meanwhile, the head of the Al-Bayan Islamic Boarding School, M. Ibrahim Agustian, said that the assistance provided by GGF was used to continue the construction of the main Islamic boarding school facilities, namely the Pondok Putri Complex and the construction of the main talud for the drainage channel.

“Thank you to the company and all the leaders and employees. Hopefully this assistance becomes a charity. This assistance is very helpful in efforts to improve the quality of teaching and learning infrastructure, bearing in mind that so far there have been limitations in its construction,” said Ibrahim.

Ibrahim expressed his appreciation to GGF for their commitment to assisting government programs to improve the quality of public education, especially in Islamic religious education in Kampung Banjar Ratu and its surroundings.

In this pesantren, students are not only formed to become memorizers of the Qur’an, but are also equipped with leadership & entrepreneurship insights. This is done so that the students are equipped with the knowledge to not only be teachers at the Islamic boarding school but can contribute to Indonesia through other professions.

“Hopefully the presence of Islamic boarding schools can have a good influence on improving the quality of society in general around the Al-Bayan Banjar Ratu Islamic Boarding School as a constructive result of the existence of religious and moral education, and will have an indirect effect on the corporate environment,” he concluded.
