Pangan untuk Masa Depan yang Lebih Baik
Di Great Giant Foods kami memiliki visi untuk menyehatkan kehidupan orang-orang dengan makanan berkualitas yang diproduksi secara berkelanjutan dan inovatif.
Kami bangga berjuang untuk ‘produksi nol limbah’ dalam rantai nilai kami dan untuk mengembangkan kemitraan dengan petani lokal dalam meningkatkan prospek panen mereka serta mata pencaharian masyarakat di mana mereka tinggal.
Great Giant Foods menyatukan banyak entitas bisnis mulai dari buah segar hingga kalengan, ternak hingga jus segar dan smoothie sehat.
Mayoritas produk pertanian dan makanan kami diproduksi di 34.000 hektar lahan yang berlokasi di Lampung, Sumatra Selatan dan Jawa Timur. Kontrol kualitas adalah prioritas utama di perusahaan kami. Kami memiliki lebih dari 25.000 tangan yang melayani pelanggan di seluruh dunia, menerapkan rantai nilai pertanian terintegrasi yang mencakup model pertanian 200 hektar, Pengolahan Air Limbah, pusat inovasi, dan laboratorium.
Unit Bisnis
Great Giant Pineapple (GGP)
Great Giant Livestock (GGL)
Sewu Segar Nusantara (SSN)
Sewu Segar Primatama (SSP)
Umas Jaya Agrotama (UJA)
Bromelain Enzyme (BE)
Fokus kami pada keberlanjutan telah meraih berbagai sertifikasi.
-BRCGS for Food safety Issue 9
-FSMA Preventative Controls Preparedness Module
PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the Food safety management system requirements of BRCGS For Food Safety Issue 9, with Achieved Grade A+ and audit Programme Unannounced, for The Scope of this Certification are Processing (seaming/sealing and commercial sterilizing) of Canned Pineapple and Tropical Fruits in Metal Can, Pouch and Plastic Cup. Processing (pasteurizing, aseptic filling and freezing) of Frozen Pineapple Juice Concentrate and Aseptic Pineapple Juice Concentrate in Plastic Bags, while for the Exclusion scope are: Pineapple Filling, De-ionized Clarified Pineapple Juice Concentrate, Clarified Pineapple Juice Concentrate
PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of FSMA Preventative Controls Preparedness Module, with Achieved Grade A+ and audit Programme Unannounced, for The Scope of this Certification are Processing (seaming/sealing and commercial sterilizing) of Canned Pineapple and Tropical Fruits in Metal Can, Pouch and Plastic Cup. Processing (pasteurizing, aseptic filling and freezing) of Frozen Pineapple Juice Concentrate and Aseptic Pineapple Juice Concentrate in Plastic Bags, While the Exclusion scope are Pineapple Filling, De-ionized Clarified Pineapple Juice Concentrate, Clarified Pineapple Juice Concentrate
IFS Food Version 7
PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the Food safety management system requirements of IFS Food Version 7, Achieved, audit Programme Unannounced, and other associated normative documents for the audit scope:
Processing (cutting, acidifying, packing & seaming/sealing, pasteurizing) of canned pineapple, canned pineapple juice, canned tropical fruits packed in metal can, pouch plastic bag and plastic cup. Processing (mechanical extracting, pasteurizing, evaporating, with/without UHT and aseptic filling and or freezing) of frozen & aseptic pineapple juice concentrated packed in plastic bag and metal drum. Processing (heating& stirring) of pineapple filling packed in plastic bag.
Exclusion Scope for: De-ionized pineapple juice concentrate and Clarified pineapple juice concentrated
ISO 9001 : 2015
The Management System of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 :2015, for the following activities: Processing of Canned Pineapple and Tropical Fruits in Metal Can, pouch and Plastic Cup, Processing of Frozen Pineapple Juice concentrate and Aseptic Pineapple Juice concentrate in Plastics Bags
The Management system of PT UMAS JAYA AGROTAMA has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the following activities: Manufacturing of Tapioca Flour
ISO 22000 : 2018
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirement of ISO 22000 : 2018, for The Scope of Certification are Processing of Canned Pineapple and Tropical Fruit in Metal Can, Pouch and Plastic Cup, Processing of Frozen Pineapple Juice Concentrate and Aseptic Pineapple Juice concentrate in Plastic Bags
The Management system of PT Umas Jaya Agrotama has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 22000: 2018, for the Scope of Certification is Manufacturing of Tapioca Flour
ISO 14001:2015
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirement of ISO 14001 : 2015, for The Scope of Certification are Manufactured canned pineapple, Tropical fruit salad (TFS), Pineapple Juice concentrate (PJC), Including Deionized Clarified Juice Concentrate (DCPC), Fruit in cup and Pineapple in pouch
Cert No : 1234044635
ISO 50001 : 2018
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been implemented and applies an Energy Management System for the scope of certification are Manufacture of Canned Pineapple, Pineapple Juice concentrate, Deionized Clarified Pineapple Concentrate, Tropical Fruit salad and Fruit in Cup.
ISO 45001 : 2018
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been implemented occupational health and safety management system that comply with SNI ISO 45001 : 2018, for the Scope of Certification are Aspect of Manufacture of Canned Pineapple, Canned Tropical Fruit Salad (TFS), Pineapple in Cup, TFS in Cup, Pineapple in pouch and Pineapple Juice concentrate (PJC) which Affect Occupational Health and safety
SA 8000 : 2014
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been appropriate with management system that meets the requirements of social Accountability Management System Standard (SA 8000:2014), the scope of certification relates to the empowerment and protection of all personnel who provide products or service for that organization, including personnel employed by the organization itself for the following activities:
Manufacturing of canned pineapple, pineapple in pouch, pineapple juice concentrate, Tropical Fruit salad, Pineapple fruit in Plastic Cup
PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and comply with SMETA 4 Pillars Responsible Sourcing assessment standard version 6.1 standard requirement.
In participating in the Voluntary Control System, the company supplements its own efforts to fulfil its necessary due diligence, thus making a voluntary extra contribution to safeguarding the proper quality of its products and enhancing customer and consumer safety when purchasing and enjoying its products.
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirement for basis of examination and evaluation, as following :
-SGF ProfillinTM , IFU Methods, Further Validated Methods;
-SGF/IRMA Remote Surveillance Check list;
-Relevant International, European and National Legislation.
-AIJN Code of Practice (CoP)
-SGF Regional Specific Database of Authentic Samples
-Scientifically verified findings
For an audit carried out specifically for Pineapple Juice Concentrate (PJC) the scope of certification is Safety, Authenticity and Labeling, Traceability, Hygiene & GMP and Sustainability.
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed on several criteria as food safety, eco-friendly processes, worker safety & welfare, traceability, and export quality and certified as meeting the requirement are GLOBAL G.A.P. Control Points and Compliance Criteria Integrated Farm Assurance Version 5.2_February 2019, Fruit & Vegetables, Option 1- Individual Multisite producer as for products that are certified are Banana (00116-PVCPC-0002), Guava (00116-PVCNV-0002), and Pineapple ((00116-PVCPH-0002) with GGN no 4056186911537.
PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified by ORTHODOX UNION for the scope of certification are Clarified Pineapple Juice concentrate, Deionized Clarified Pineapple Juice concentrate, Not-From- Concentrate (NFC) Pineapple Juice, Pineapple Juice concentrate and Canned Pineapple
Rainforest Alliance
The Management system of PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirement is in Conformance with the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard which includes: biodiversity conservation, natural resource conservation, improved livelihoods and human well-being, and effective planning and management system, for the scope of certification are Pineapple fruit (Crop/Product) and activities form farming and Processing manufacturing.
Halal MUI
PT Great Giant Pineapple has been assessed and certified of Halal by the assessment institute for foods, drugs and cosmetics of MUI (LPPOM MUI) and the implementation of Halal Assurance System (HAS 23000) are in accordance to the decree of fatwa commission of the Indonesian council of ulama for the following of product group: PLANT AND PROCESSED PLANT PRODUCTS (TUMBUHAN DAN PRODUK OLAHAN)
PT Great Giant Pineapple has been complied with the provision of laws and regulations of Halal by Halal product Assurance Body (BPJPH), for the following type of product: Fruits and vegetables with processing and
addition of food additives
Sertifikat NKV untuk GGL adalah bukti bahwa kami berkomitmen untuk memenuhi standar keamanan pangan Indonesia untuk produk hewani.