Prevent Covid-19, GGF Performs Disinfectant Spraying and Fogging

Prevent Covid-19, GGF Performs Disinfectant Spraying and Fogging

Great Giant Foods (GGF) Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung, continues to make efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the company’s operational environment by spraying disinfectants and fogging. The activity of spraying disinfectant was again carried out by GGF in Hamlet I of Terbanggi Besar Village by combing all residents’ houses and public facilities such as places of worship and schools.

This activity lasted for three consecutive days and consumed as much as 1,000 liters of disinfectant.
The spraying activity was not only carried out by a team from GGF, but was also accompanied by members of the Terbanggi Besar Koramil, Terbanggi Besar Village Apparatus, the Head of the Village, the Head of the Head of the Village, and the Head of the local RT. The Head of Internal Affairs for GGF CRD Gregoris Aris said that this activity was an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

“GGF is trying its best to prevent the spread of Covid-19, besides that, fogging is also carried out to prevent the dengue outbreak. Of course, the community must also adopt a healthy lifestyle, and if someone is sick, they immediately go to a health clinic,” said Aris.

Aris continued, the consideration of using this fogging tool is because the tool is easier to carry, so it can reach more places. The targets of this disinfectant fogging are public facilities and residents’ homes. The chairman of RT 2 Kecubung Sarno expressed his gratitude to the company which was always responsive and fast in preventing the spread of Covid-19.

“I am very grateful to GGF for spraying disinfectants and fogging so that residents don’t worry about the Covid-19 outbreak,” said Sarno
