PT GGL and IPB Implement Matching Fund Program

PT GGL and IPB Implement Matching Fund Program

PT Great Giant Livestock (GGL) and the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as the implementation of the Kedaireka TA Matching Fund Program. 2021 Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) of the Republic of Indonesia.
The program is implemented as an effort to encourage, facilitate, and accelerate universities in implementing the Independent Campus policy in order to achieve the main performance indicators of universities within the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The FGD was held at the Great Giant Foods (GGF) Training Center Building, Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung on Thursday, October 7, 2021. The first stage of the FGD raised the theme “Cow Feed Management, Depolarization Katuk as Feed Additive, and People’s Animal Husbandry Institutions (SPR-IPB) , and Supervision of Thesis Research Internship Students at PT GGL”.

In the discussion present representing IPB including Prof. Dr. Dr. Agik Suprayogi, MSc, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muladno, MSA, IPU, Dr. Ir. Afton Atabani, Dr. Dr. Ronald Tariganj, M.Si, Drh. Riki Sisadi, M.Si, PhD, Dr. Ir. Anggraini Sukmawati, MM, Dr. Ir. Didit Diapari, M.Si, and Edit Lesa Aditya, S.Pt, MSc.

The team from IPB conducted a trial of Katuk leaves, because Katuk leaves are a patented technological process and then incorporated with technology from PT GGL called complete feed for animal feed intake, either fattening or dairy cattle. “If this trial is successful, it will become a new industry for PT GGL, namely animal feed, feed additive, which can later be harmonized with the PIT partnership program for smallholder livestock,” said Agik Suprayogi, Head of Researcher for the Matching Fund Program.
This program begins with innovation, new technologies that are ready and approved by universities have been tested everywhere. While PT GGL has an innovation called complete feed, it is not easy for PT GGL nutrition experts to develop its composition.

Currently, what has been owned and tested can strengthen PT GGL and IPB. This is so that in the future it can involve local governments to disseminate technology to the community. “IPB had concepts and ideas, which were then combined with PT GGL as a businessman. In the end there is a symbiotic mutualism and will reach small farmers. We see that this program is good and has a noble purpose,” said Yuliantoni Queen.

According to Yuliantoni Queen, the main goal of this trial is to increase production, both in milk and meat. The ultimate goal will lead to the empowerment of smallholder farmers funded by the Higher Education with the Kedairek program.
