PT GGP Conducts Class D Fire Management K3 Training

PT GGP Conducts Class D Fire Management K3 Training

PT Great Giant Pineapple (PT GGP), Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung, conducted training on Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Class D Fire Management.
The training was held for three days at the Great Giant Foods (GGF) Training Center Building with speakers including I Ketut Aryadi, Adhi Pramono, and Agus Wahyudi from the Lampung Provincial Manpower Office, Monday-Wednesday (8-10/4).

This Fire Role Officer Certified Training is intended for officers who are appointed and assigned additional tasks to identify sources of hazard and carry out fire suppression efforts and special task forces that have functional tasks in the field of fire suppression in the company’s work area.

“Attending Fire Role Officer certified training is a proactive step to prevent, reduce, and extinguish fires in the workplace,” explained Ignatius Adhi Pranowo as a resource person from Disnaker Lampung.

Adhi Pramono further emphasized that to be able to become class D Damkar personnel, workers must first take part in a class D Damkar training program where later the personnel concerned will have Fire Management Officer certification from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia.

Class D Fire K3 Training aims to prepare personnel in the workplace in tackling the occurrence of fires with a small scale. Class D Damkar training contains theory and practice so that later trainees can more easily understand theoretically and technically.

The materials on the first day of training included Law No.1 of 1970 concerning Work Safety, Basics of K3 and Hazard Identification, K3 Fire Management Norms, and Fire Emergency procedures.

On the second day, technical materials include, Fire Theory and Fire Anatomy, Fire Protection Systems, Fire Management Management, and Fire Emergency Procedures.

On the third day, the trainees took a written and online exam at Teman K3 through a zoom meeting and Class D competency test from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. The activity ended with the practice of fire fighting with fire blanket and fire extinguisher.
