PT GGP Helps Appreciate Plans to Create a Culinary Market in Terbanggi Besar

PT GGP Helps Appreciate Plans to Create a Culinary Market in Terbanggi Besar

PT Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) gives support and appreciation to Kampung Terbanggi Besar which plans to establish a Culinary Market ‘Pak Minak’ located in Hamlet 1 of Kampung Terbanggi Besar, Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung Regency. PT GGP’s support is manifested in the form of heavy excavator assistance to carry out land clearing areas in the development plan. In addition, PT GGP also assisted in the form of bamboo and used tires to make the market.

The location of the culinary market is on the old road across Sumatra or rather in front of the Terbanggi Besar District Office. It is expected to be an alternative rest area that is comfortable and enjoyable for road users who want to rest for a while because it is not far from the Terbanggi Besar Toll Gate. The Head of Terbanggi Besar Sub-district, Fathol Arifin, said that the Terbanggi Besar Village itself had been declared by the Regional Government as a historical tourism village and cultural civilization in Central Lampung.

The development of this culinary market is equipped with children’s playgrounds and photo spots to lure visitors to come. It is also hoped that the mothers in Terbanggi Besar Village who have the expertise to make food can be directly involved in providing food or typical Lampung snacks.

“The problem is until now it has not been maximal in attracting visitors to enter Terbanggi Besar. For various reasons, such as the unavailability of an attractive location to visit, or nothing that can assure how comfortable and safe it is,” said Fathol.

The District Government is trying to facilitate several community leaders and youths to create a place for community empowerment in the form of a culinary market with the name Pak Minak or the abbreviation of the Innovative Community Culinary Market for Kampung Anak. It is hoped that in the future, the presence of the culinary market can attract visitors to enter Terbanggi Besar Village and be moved to see the tourist village, culture, and customs that are in it.
