Re.Juve, a brand of cold-pressed juice, invites the people of Bandung City and other areas in West Java to lead a healthy life. One of them is getting used to consuming natural healthy food, prepared in a hygienic, organic way, and without preservatives.
“Re.Juve, is the first cold-pressed juice in Indonesia. From natural vegetables and fruits. Because there are no preservatives, you have to store it properly (refrigerator),” said Putri Victor, Head of Marketing at PT Sewu Segar Primatama, which oversees Re.Juve products.
Putri explained, Re.Juve attaches great importance to quality so that people’s needs for natural nutrition can be met. So, in the production process, Re.Juve is very concerned about the health side.
Among them, Re.Juve’s fresh drink products are without preservatives, without flavor enhancers, without synthetic coloring, not from concentrate, and without heating.
“We also adhere to the principle of transparency. Hence, the production process can also be witnessed by the public by visiting the factory,” he said. In addition, to convince consumers that Re.Juve’s fresh drinks are 100 percent organic natural vegetables and fruits, the composition and manufacturing process is stated on the bottle packaging.
“We are intensively campaigning for a clean label. That is, what is written on the label is what the community gets. Honesty and transparency are values that we uphold,” he said.