Sunpride Donate Fruits for Flood Victims

Sunpride Donate Fruits for Flood Victims

PT Sewu Segar Nusantara (SSN) through the Sunpride trademark held a Collaborative Action activity with Dompet Dhuafa to distribute fruit donations to 282 flood victims in Jakarta on 22-23 January 2022. Sunpride hopes that the donations distributed can provide benefits for flood victims.

“We hope that the fruit donation will benefit the flood victims and other beneficiaries. Hopefully, at this moment of commemoration of National Nutrition Day, we can be a part of supporting the fulfillment of nutrition for the Indonesian people,” said Fera, Marketing of PT Sewu Segar Nusantara. During this period, Sunpride donated 200 boxes of Sunpride fruit in the form of bananas, guava, and pineapples. Apart from being distributed to flood victims, fruit donations were also distributed to orphanages, hospitals, schools, mosques and communities that are partners of Dompet Dhuafa.

“Many thanks to Sunpride who regularly channel their donations through Dompet Dhuafa. Hopefully this good collaboration can continue to be established and provide benefits and blessings to all of us. Amen,” concluded Pradila Maulia from the Dompet Dhuafa Social Partnership.
