The Central Government, through the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, will develop the Cattle Cattle and Banana Cultivation Partnership Program in Tanggamus Regency. This was revealed in the Coordination Meeting for the Development of the Integration Model for Cattle and Banana Cultivation, which was held by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, through a virtual meeting on Thursday, July 8, 2021.
The meeting was attended by the District Secretary (Sekdakab) Tanggamus Hamid H. Lubis, accompanied by Assistant for Ekobang Sukisno, Head of the Catur Food Crops Office, Agus Dewanto, and Head of the Plantation and Livestock Service, Dhani Riza, in the Meeting Room of the Secretary of the District Secretariat of Tanggamus. Meanwhile, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy was attended by the Assistant Deputy for Food and Agribusiness Coordination, Yuli Sri Wilanti.
The activity was also attended by representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, the Food Crops and Horticulture Office of Lampung Province, the Plantation and Livestock Service Office of Lampung Province, Bank Indonesia Lampung Representative, BRI Pringsewu Branch, and PT Great Giant Pineapple (GGP).
Asdep Yuli Sri Wilanti said that the meeting was held to improve the welfare of farmers and ranchers, as well as economic recovery due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as to revive the economy in the region by applying the concept of a sustainable economy (circular economy).
“One of the efforts made is through the development of a partnership model for the integration of cattle and banana cultivation, which will be implemented in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province,” explained Yuli.
Meanwhile, Regional Secretary Hamid H. Lubis said that the Tanggamus Regency Government was very supportive and responded positively, and was willing to share the budget for existing integrated partnership model development programs.
“So in conclusion, basically we will integrate in the form of programs sourced from the APBD and the action from the related OPD, hopefully this program in its action can later provide benefits for people who are currently facing the Covid-19 pandemic,” closed the Regional Secretary.