Deputy III Chief of Staff to the President (KSP) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) did a working visit in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung on Thursday, September 23, 2021. The visit was made in the context of field verification of program development Banana Mas cultivation is a collaboration between farmers and PT Great Giant Pineapple (GGP).
The arrival of the Presidential Staff group was welcomed by the Regent Tanggamus Dewi Handajani and accompanied by the Regional Secretary Hamid Heriansyah Lubis Regency, Assistant for Economics and Finance Sukisno Development, Head of the Department of Food Crops and Horticulture Chess Agus Dewanto, Sub-district Head and Muspika Sumberejo District and representatives from PT GGP Hendri Tanujaya.
Deputy III role model S. Sulendra Kusuma attended with Experts Deputy III include Bustanul Arifin, Ali Erlangga, Siti Khairani Elhakim and Shahid Izzulhaq. The visit at the same time with a discussion agenda on fertilizer subsidies and direct discussion with the banana mas partnership farmer group. The Regent of Tanggamus Dewi Handajani in her speech hoped that that through this visit the leading sectors in Tanggamus Regency gets more and more attention develop.
This is so that it can have a positive impact for farmers and communities to be more prosperous. Hendri Tanujaya explained that PT GGP since 2016 have collaborated with related farmers in Tanggamus development of mas banana cultivation with the Creating . model Shared Value (CSV) so that farmers and companies can work together sustainable.
The partnership development carried out by PT GGP has now can be exported and as many as 800 farmers have joined Cultivated land area reaches more than 400 hectares. PT GGP hope with those produced by partnership farmers can be in accordance with what the market wants.
Deputy III KSP RI Role model S. Sulendra Kusuma conveyed: that one of the purposes of his arrival was to monitor programs that become national priorities, namely: improve the lives of farmers.
“I see that this Mas banana commodity has been running smoothly good, there is cooperation between banana producers and cooperatives and there is an off taker. Farmers are very excited to join the program this is because in terms of connecting with their market facilitated,” said role model S. Sulendrakusuma After having dialogue with farmers and providing inputs to improve the programs siding with the community, the KSP group also carried out review of farmer cooperatives and banana farming clusters mas which supplies the export needs of PT GGP’s bananas.