Re.juve Holds Webinar The Danger of Wrong Intake During a Pandemic and Isoman

Re.juve Holds Webinar The Danger of Wrong Intake During a Pandemic and Isoman

Consumption of vegetables and fruit every day is very good for health. However, many people consume it with added sugar or sweeteners, making it a high-calorie, fattening drink. According to the nutritionist, Dr. Juwalita Surapsari, M.Gizi., SpGK, there are no guidelines that specifically mention limits for daily consumption of vegetable and fruit juices.

The thing that needs to be a concern is that the juice content can meet daily nutritional needs or not. Make sure that the juice is only an alternative to meet our daily intake of vegetables and fruit.

“Alternative means that fresh food that we consume directly should not be abandoned, it is still eaten. It’s not just the source of the juice.” He expressed this in a webinar entitled Dangers of Wrong Intake amid a Pandemic and Independent Isolation with Rejuve, Wednesday, August 18, 2021.

Some people only consume vegetable and fruit juices to detoxify. According to Juwalita, this is allowed but is limited to a maximum of three days. Because, according to research, it is less likely that we will experience other nutritional deficiencies if we only live it for three days.

In addition, there is an assumption that consumption of vegetables and fruit in the form of juice is considered to reduce the fiber content in them. According to Juwalita, there may indeed be a loss of fiber content by processing vegetables and fruit into juice. However, not 100 percent of the fiber content is lost.

So that drinking juice can still help meet the daily intake of vegetables and fruits, we can combine several vegetables and fruits to get more benefits. Meanwhile, CEO and President Director of Re.juve, Richard Anthony, said the amount of juice consumption depends on the goals of each person.

For detoxification needs, we can consume several bottles a day to meet the needs of fiber and nutrients. During the detox period, a person does not eat other foods, so there is no need to worry about consuming too many calories. However, in a normal diet, fresh juices without sugar, such as Re.juve, can be an alternative to healthy drinks
