Support Digital Literacy, PT GGP Gives 100 Subscription to UGM

Support Digital Literacy, PT GGP Gives 100 Subscription to UGM

In supporting digital literacy, PT Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) contributed to providing 100 subscriptions for one year to Universitas Gadjah Mada. The subscription submission ceremony was accepted by the Chancellor of the Gadjah Mada University, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M, Eng., D. Eng.

Digital literacy is the knowledge and skills to use digital media, communication tools, or networks in finding, evaluating, using, creating information, and utilizing it in a healthy, wise, intelligent, careful, precise, and law-abiding manner to foster communication and interaction. in daily life.

Instead of spending time just browsing social media, people are advised to use it to do good things. The use of time should also be maximized to support productivity in living life.

On this occasion, a discussion on digital literacy was also held with the title “Information Flood, Choosing Hoaxes, and Fake News”. The public phenomenon of simply passing on hoax news has been a study of the Kompas Research and Development survey.

According to Kompas Daily Editor-in-Chief, Sutta Dharmasaputra, based on the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey in November 2019, only 47 percent of respondents checked the veracity of information to trusted media.

“My friends in Japan, the majority (only) have email. This is different from us, Indonesians, who use social media more,” said Gadjah Mada University Chancellor Panut Mulyono, on Friday, September 10, 2021 when opening a digital literacy discussion.

This digital literacy discussion is a collaboration between Kompas daily and Gadjah Mada University with the support of PT GGP which provides 100 compass subscriptions to Gadjah Mada University.

Based on data as of January 2021, the average Japanese person has 3.8 social media accounts. Meanwhile, Indonesians have an average of 10 social media accounts, which are listed as the top three countries with the largest social media account ownership.

“Because Indonesians tend to like the digital world, it is necessary to be educated. Education is considered important so that the community does not become a spreader of false news. Unread (content), just read the title, immediately forwarded. Even though the contents are not true,” said Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M, Eng., D. Eng.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics also released 1,656 findings of hoax issues from January 23, 2020 to June 22, 2021. The flood of information brought many bad effects, including triggering confusion, division, and disrupting family relations.

Corporate Affairs Director of PT GGP, Mr. Welly Soegiono, said that in this online information era, people are expected to think clearly and rationally so as not to backfire.

“Our employees, universities, are expected to have critical thinking. We also consider that Kompas has the highest quality journalistic products. Therefore, we cooperate with Kompas to jointly disseminate good journalistic products for UGM,” concluded Welly Soegiono.

The provision of this subscription is expected to be a gateway for students to be able to improve digital literacy. This step is taken to create a nation’s successor who is capable of literacy so that there will be no more spread of false news. This activity is also expected to be a forum for students to fill their spare time with positive and useful activities.

